Producer Price Index (PPI) statistics for the US


Understanding the Product Price Index (PPI) is crucial for analysing the US market trends. PPI measures the average change over time in selling prices received by domestic producers for their output.

Today’s given signal :

PPI and Economic Indicators

The PPI is closely linked to other economic indicators such as GDP, employment, and consumer spending. Understanding these interconnections is crucial for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the US market.

PPI Formula

Fundamental Formula

PPI = Current price of basket/Base price of basket


Basket is the relative weight of goods and services in the current or base period.

Laspeyres Formula

This PPI formula weighs goods in proportion to their quantities in the base year.

PPI (Laspeyres) = (∑q_0 × p_t)/(∑q_0 × p_0 ) x 100


q0 = quantity in the base period

p= price of the product in the base period

pt = price of the product in the current year

Paasche Formula

This PPI formula weighs goods in the proportion of their quantities in the current year.

PPI (Paasche) = (∑q_t × p_t)/(∑q_t × p_0 ) x 100


q0 = quantity in the base period

qt = quantity in the current year

p= price of the product in the base period

pt = price of the product in the current year

Fisher Formula

This formula computes PPI as the geometric mean of PPI (Laspeyres Index) and PPI (Paasche Index).

PPI (Fisher) = √(Laspeyres Index X Paasche Index)
= √(((∑q_0 × p_t)/(∑q_0× p_0 ) x 100 ) X ((∑q_t × p_t)/(∑q_t × p_0 ) x 100) )

Among these formulae, BLS uses the Laspeyres Index formula to calculate PPI.

Previous released data results :

On last PPI data (15-11-2023) we predict to SELL XAUUSD as for PPI data strengthen the Doller so  GOLD price was fall.

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