Impact of Core Durable Goods Orders & Initial Jobless Claims data on GOLD pair – 22-11-2023

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This blog explores the influence of Core Durable Goods Orders & Initial Jobless Claims Data on the GOLD pair. We will delve into the relationship between these economic indicators and their impact on GOLD trading.

Core Durable Goods Orders

Understanding the significance of Core Durable Goods Orders as a leading economic indicator is crucial in predicting market trends. This data reflects the demand for long-lasting products, providing insights into the health of the manufacturing sector.

Initial Jobless Claims Data

The Initial Jobless Claims Data serves as a barometer for the labour market, indicating the number of individuals filing for unemployment benefits. Fluctuations in this data can signal economic shifts and impact investor sentiment.

Impact on Market Trends

The influence of Core Durable Goods Orders and Initial Jobless Claims Data on the GOLD pair can significantly impact market trends. Traders and investors need to closely monitor these economic indicators to make informed decisions.

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