ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI 5-12-2023

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The ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI measures the business activity in the U.S. service sector. It provides insight into the economic health of the country. Understanding this index is crucial for investors and policymakers.

Survey Methodology

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) conducts a monthly survey of purchasing and supply executives in order to gather valuable data. This survey encompasses a wide range of industries within the service sector, allowing for a comprehensive and detailed view of the overall economy. By collecting information from these professionals, the ISM is able to analyse trends, identify potential challenges, and make informed decisions that can impact the business landscape. This extensive survey serves as a crucial tool in understanding the current state of the economy and guiding strategic planning for businesses across various sectors.

Today’s given signal :

On last ISM Non-Manufacturing data (3-11-2023) we predict to BUY XAUUSD as for bad ISM Data gold price was rise.

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