How many retail traders in the Forex worldwide?

World’s population 7.6 Billion

Forex Traders
pop. 1.37 billion – China 1.2% = 16.44 million
pop. 1.32 billion – India 0.2% = 2.64 million
pop. 323 million – USA = 5.2 % = 16.796 million
pop. 127 million – Japan = 10% = 12.7 million (Japan highly confidential as they do not disclose their data to Global market, but as per Trading volume we can assume)
pop. 65.6 million – UK 5.6 = 12.3% = 8.07million

ABOVE POPULATION = 3.2056 billion
Total population 7.6 Billion
Major country Population -3.2056
Rest of the world population = 4.3944 billion
Rest of the word total trader percentage = 0.47%
0.47 x 4.3944 = 20.65million
77.296/7600 = 1.017%
Total = 16.44+2.64+16.796+12.7+8.07+20.65= 77.296 Million (Approx)

Forex Trader around the Globe = 77.296 Million (Approx)
i.e. 1.017% of world population.

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