Understanding Order Execution

Order execution is a process of filling the requested buy or sell order of the trader.

A measure of the percentage of orders executed at or better than the National Best Bid or Offer (NBBO). This measures how frequently your order is filled at or better than the NBBO you see at the time you entered it, even if your order is bigger than the displayed size.

it should be 0.1 second (or 100 milliseconds) or less. Also, ask what percentage of trades are executed in less than 1 second. If orders are taking more than 1 second to execute, you’re most likely going to experience slippage because prices have changed before your order completes.

What is your broker’s Order Execution Policy?

  • Order execution is the process of accepting and completing a buy or sell order in the market on behalf of a client.
  • Order execution may be carried out manually or electronically, subject to the limits or conditions placed on the order by the account holder.
  • Brokers are beholden to best execution practices that are regulated by the SEC as well as individual exchanges

How committed is the broker to order execution quality and transparency?

  • Best execution requires brokers to provide customers with the most advantageous order execution.1
  • Best execution is a law that puts clients’ interests first and above broker incentives.
  • Brokers consider the best price, speed of execution, and the likelihood of trade execution when evaluating a client request.

What is the average spread per currency pair?

  1. The higher price (“ask”), at which you (the customer) can BUY (“go long”).
  2. The lower price (“bid”), at which you (the customer) can SELL (“go short”).
  3. Both prices are collectively referred to as the broker’s prices.
  4. The difference between the bid and ask price is the spread.

How fast are trades executed?

  • Execution speed is defined as the amount of time between when the broker receives your order until execution.
  • The faster the speed, the more volume of trading that can occur. More importantly, the faster the speed, the more chances for a broker’s customers to be able to buy or sell at the price that they have requested.
  • Ask the broker what their average execution speed is. Ideally, it should be 0.1 second (or 100 milliseconds) or less.
  • Also, ask what percentage of trades are executed in less than 1 second. 
  • If orders are taking more than 1 second to execute, you’re most likely going to experience slippage because prices have changed before your order completes.
  • Prices in the forex market can move in milliseconds, so if the broker’s execution speed is too slow, the price you clicked on to trade on may have changed by the time the broker can execute the order.

What percentage of orders are executed with slippage?

  • Slippage refers to all situations in which a market participant receives a different trade execution price than intended.
  • Slippage occurs when the bid/ask spread changes between the time a market order is requested and the time an exchange or other market-maker executes the order.
  • Slippage occurs in all market venues, including equities, bonds, currencies, and futures.

Slippage does not denote a negative or positive movement because any difference between the intended execution price and actual execution price qualifies as slippage. When an order is executed, the security is purchased or sold at the most favorable price offered by an exchange or other market maker. This can produce results that are more favorable, equal to, or less favorable than the intended execution price. The final execution price vs. the intended execution price can be categorized as positive slippage, no slippage, or negative slippage.

Where to contact us :

Website : www.forextrade1.co
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Skype : forextrade01@outlook.com
Email ID : info.forextrade1@gmail.com
Discord : https://discord.gg/vEk98ZvrHP
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