- This is because macroeconomic indicators have a direct impact on currency exchange rates. For example, if inflation is high, the value of a currency will decrease, making it less attractive to investors.
- Exchange rates are affected by the demand for a currency, which is often driven by speculation in capital markets. If investors believe that the value of a currency will increase, they will buy it, which increases its demand and causes its exchange rate to rise.
- This is because they give an indication of the strength of a country’s economy and its ability to pay its debts. A country with a large trade deficit, for example, may be more prone to currency devaluation as it has to use foreign reserves to pay its debts.
- This is because political events can cause drastic changes in the value of currencies. Unexpected outcomes can cause sudden shifts in the market, which can create significant trading opportunities for traders.

Balance of Trade
This is because the currency is not seen to be a reliable store of value and it signals traders that the currency is not a good investment. As a result, traders will look for other currencies to invest in, and the value of the currency will depreciate in the forex market.
Political stability
This is because pro-growth policies make a country’s economy more attractive to investors, so they are more likely to invest in that currency and drive up its price. Conversely, anti-growth policies can have the effect of making investors less interested in investing in the currency, leading to a drop in price.
Central bank interest rates
This is because when interest rates are low, it becomes less profitable to hold the currency, and traders will be more likely to sell it and invest their money elsewhere.
Economic reports
The currency appreciation and depreciation is driven by the level of confidence in the economy; when reports show a positive outlook, investors have more confidence in the country’s economic future and are more likely to invest in the currency, which causes it to appreciate. Conversely, when reports show a negative outlook, investors become less confident and may even begin to take money out of the economy, causing the currency to depreciate.
This is because when inflation is low, it is an indication that the economy is stable and that the currency is being managed effectively. This leads to an increase in investor confidence which results in more people buying the currency, thus driving the price up.
Government/public debt
This increased demand for the currency causes its value to rise, which further encourages more trading and a more stable economy. This cycle of increased demand and higher value continues until the government debt is no longer under control, at which point the cycle begins again in reverse.
Employment rate
When people are unemployed, they have less money to spend, so businesses suffer. This leads to lower GDP growth as well as a decrease in the value of the currency. Moreover, when the employment rate is low, investors are less likely to invest in the country, which further weakens the currency.
Capital market
As the demand for the domestic currency decreases, its value also decreases in the forex market. This leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of the domestic currency, which in turn, leads to an increase in the prices of goods and services, resulting in inflation in the country.
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