How much capital needed in forex market?

  • invest 100 USD or 50 USD and start selling and buying, do small reading, do small research, dedicate yourself toward it.
  • that is the one of the way to lean trading in 1 month. if can make 100 USD 110 in one month then you will gain some confidence.
  • it all depends that how you are trading… there are all kinds of platforms leverage system.. brokers available. How you use them plays important role.
  • yes you can start with smallest amount possible. you can daily earn around 20% to 40% initially. and later on your profit will increase gradually. you can re-invest the profit.
  • At , Signals are based on Very STRONG ECONOMICAL PARAMETERS, POLITICAL FACTORS, INTERNATIONAL NEWS and BIG CORPORATE EVENTS & AFFAIRS. SO, least matter that what broker you use, what country you are in and what platform you trade on. the Signals will give you what they commit.

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