Understanding the Impact of BRICS’ New Currency on the Dollar

In recent years, the emergence of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as major players in the global economy has gained significant attention. As these nations continue to strengthen their economic ties, they have taken a bold step by introducing a new currency. This blog post aims to explore the impact of BRICS’ new currency on the mighty dollar, the global reserve currency.

Why do the BRICS nations want to create a new currency?

The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are pushing for a new currency in order to reduce their dependence on the US dollar, which is currently the world’s reserve currency. This would give them more control over their own economies and enable them to better manage their own financial affairs.

What would the advantages of a BRICS currency be?

A BRICS currency could strengthen the economic ties between the member countries, leading to increased trade and investment. It could also reduce the cost of transactions, making it easier and cheaper to do business with BRICS countries. Additionally, it could provide greater financial stability by minimizing the risk associated with exchange rate fluctuations.

The impact of BRICS’ new currency in a dollar

1. Diversifying Currency Reserves:

The introduction of the BRICS’ new currency poses a potential challenge to the dominance of the US dollar. Historically, the dollar has been the primary global reserve currency due to its stability and widespread acceptance. However, with the BRICS countries collectively representing a substantial portion of the world’s population and economic output, their new currency has the potential to diversify global currency reserves, reducing reliance on the dollar.

2. Reducing Dependency on the Dollar:

As the BRICS’ new currency gains acceptance and stability, it may reduce the dependence of these nations on the dollar for international trade. Currently, many countries, including BRICS members, conduct their trade predominantly in dollars. The introduction of a new currency would provide an alternative, potentially enabling these nations to reduce their vulnerability to fluctuations in the value of the dollar.

3. Trade and Investment Opportunities:

The BRICS’ new currency may open up new avenues for trade and investment among member countries. By reducing the reliance on the dollar, it could encourage the growth of intra-BRICS trade and investment, leading to increased economic cooperation and regional integration. This, in turn, may foster economic stability and development within the BRICS countries.

4. Impact on the Dollar’s Value:

The introduction of the BRICS’ new currency may exert pressure on the value of the dollar. As more countries diversify their currency reserves and reduce their dependency on the dollar, it could lead to a decrease in demand for the greenback. This, in turn, may result in a depreciation of the dollar’s value relative to the new currency and other major currencies.

5. Geopolitical Implications:

The establishment of the BRICS’ new currency has broader geopolitical implications. It signifies the growing influence of these countries and their desire to challenge the existing global economic order, which has been dominated by Western powers. The new currency could potentially strengthen the BRICS nations’ position in international negotiations and reshape the global economic landscape.

How would a BRICS currency impact the economy?

If a new BRICS currency is adopted, it could lead to a weakened US dollar, which would make imports from BRICS countries more attractive. This could cause a decline in the value of the US dollar, resulting in higher prices for goods and services in the US. Additionally, the weaker US dollar could cause US exports to become more attractive and lead to an increase in US exports. This would have a positive impact on US businesses and investors.

  • Usoil and Natural gas
  • Banking and finance Sector
  • Commodities
  • International trade
  • Ai Technology
  • Tourism and travel
  • The foreign exchange market


The introduction of the BRICS’ new currency marks a significant milestone in the ongoing transformation of the global economic order. While it is too early to predict the full impact of this currency on the dollar, the potential for diversification, reduced dependency, increased trade and investment, and geopolitical implications cannot be ignored. As the BRICS countries continue to assert their economic prowess, the global financial landscape may witness a shift in power dynamics, with implications for both the dollar and the wider global economy.